Department Hosting a Meeting among Sophomore Students
发布人:系统管理员 发布时间:2015-03-11 浏览次数:

 On the evening of March 10, 2015, all the sophomore students attended a meeting held by the Department. At the meeting, Dean of the Department of English, Prof. Zhu Shichang introduced the key points of the work for the Department this semester, described what would be done with regard to educational reform and discipline development, called on students to be actively involved in educational campaign Developing themselves into talents and expressing their gratitude to those who have helped them in their growth so as to create a kind of departmental culture which is unique in our college.

  At the meeting, Prof. Zhu expressed his ardent hope that all the student leaders should first of all take the lead in whatever they are doing. We would introduce a working approach students leaders helping to take care of and manage other students, adopt a pioneering working style, strive for better performance so as to build up a favorite learning atmosphere at the Department. He also pointed out that with the concerted efforts, teachers, students and our international parteners, Northumbria University in particular, the British Cultural Festival held last year was a complete success and more festivals would be held this year.. Greater efforts would be made in terms of teaching reform. The Department would also establish three modules for the students, namely Secretariat Work for Export-oriented Enterprises, International Tourism and Tertiary Service for Disney Program, Starred Hotels and the internal cruiser programs, continue its endeavor to pursue the Three-dimensional Bridge Approach, that is, improving the quality of class teaching the quality of extracurricular activities in college, taking advantage of what the metropolis can offer our students and finally encouraging students to take part in study-Abroad Program, supply more chances of internship for students in local enterprises. Besides, the Department would explore an effective approach to set up the system for students concerning the Bridge Programs not only with local tertiary schools but also with its international partners, Nortumbria University, UK, Lincoln University in New Zealand, Niagara University in U.S.A., Athlone University of Ireland, to name just a few. We would send our students to go to Niagara University for Summer Camp activity and Orlando to have the first-hand experience of Disney Program. The Department would also bring into full play the initiative of both Chinese teachers and overseas teachers, cement the cooperative relations with enterprises so as to make it possible for students to develop their ability to discipline themselves, improve themselves and enhance their ability to adapt themselves into the working environment of the enterprises in the days to come.

  In order to develop students ability to meet the needs of enterprises and vocational context, the Department of English would start to include the vocational ability training like the appreciation of wine, understanding and introducing the menu in English and so on with a view to making our students develop themselves in an all-round way. The Department would also make efforts to introduce the traditional Chinese culture into teaching process, encourage students to learn how to appreciate others work, how to show thanks to their parents and teachers and all those who have helped them and try to interpret things in others positions, encourage students to work hard to meet the requirements of the Department. By referring to the latest scores of CET4 and CET6 from different classes, Prof. Zhu explained how the change of the management style for the evening study would be introduced in the Department.

  InclosingProf. Zhu said that with the joint efforts of the teachers and students, we would be able to attain our goal set for the Department, that is, we will make the Department the strongest one in SICFL.

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